2. CREATIVE LEADERSHIP EDUCATION ROADMAP 2.1 Detailed description of creative leadership programme within the HEI 2.1.1 Programme’s objective Theoretical and practical objectives for the programme? Real world experience In line with the institute’s philosophy, the programme strives to blend the theoretical, academic and skill based professionalism with a real-world experience. To this end, many modules within the institute curriculum, especially those of the latter years will be geared specifically towards this aim. Already today, many of the departments are implementing this mind change in courses and projects directly tied with the needs of the high-tech industry, the health organizations and the media. This momentum is due to grow and become more dominant in the coming years. Life Long Learning The ability to maintain relevance within a continually changing workforce is deemed imperative. This is the essence if Life Long Learning. As a college, which is professionally, oriented within a variety of disciplines this is even Page 11 of 58